Spelers Trainingsmateriaal
OBO ReKeep Bouncer
Meet the first 100% recycled training tool from OBO!
This product utilise offcuts and waste from OBO's New Zealand factory and repurposed foam from preloved OBO goalkeeping gear that has worn out. You may recall we call this process REKEEP!
The ReKeep Bouncer is designed to enable and enhance the training of ALL members of a hockey team. It has been developed with the help of experienced coaches including top Club and National Team coaches. It is not just a piece of hardware (made from repurposed foam), it will be supported by an online coaching and training resource that will not only provide variation and challenge but also FUN to a team's skill development.
Key features
Challenging for player AND goalie!
Produced from offcuts and waste foam and repurposed foam
No control over colour, because the bouncer is based on ReKeep
Every ReKeep bouncer will have a slightly different colour
Loads of rebound off every face
One angled side for raised balls
One straight side for flat balls
One 3d side for random balls
Ultra violet light & waterproof
Built-in carry handles
Only 11kg
Dimensions: 100x40x28cm (LxDxH)
VH Sleepcorner trainingsnet. inclusief 8 elastieken.
Ideaal om de sleeppush te trainen. Het net wordt geleverd inclusief 8 elastieken om het snel op te hangen en weer weg te halen. Voorzien van looddraad onderin om het net recht te laten hangen. Super om te trainen op de corner zonder keeper. Net is alleen in het wit verkrijgbaar, zonder zwart afwerkband.
Rebound Trainer left & right
A reboundbin with a big surface that is easy to use. Ideal for goalkeeper training, the sides have different corners what makes it possible for the balls fly high or stay low. Dimensions: 80x48x31,5 lxbxh
Koppelset Rebound Trainer
A reboundbin with a big surface that is easy to use. Ideal for goalkeeper training, the sides have different corners what makes it possible for the balls fly high or stay low. Dimensions: 145x45x44cm
VH Stopwatch 300
Allround stopwatch met de volgende functies/kenmerken:
* tijd
* kalender
* tussentijd
* alarm
* extra groot display
* lithium batterij
* waterdicht
* 1 jaar garantie!!