Arm and Elbow Protection
Obo Robo armguard
This Obo Robo arm guard protects more than just the elbow, it protects the whole arm. Because of the adjustable elastic straps, the protector can be used by everyone. The protector is developed to combine with the OBO bodyarmour chest, but it can also be used on it's own.
Obo Yahoo bodyarmour armguard
This Obo Yahoo armguard protects more than just the elbow, it protects the whole arm. Because of the adjustable elastic bands it can be used by everyone. The protector is developed to combine with the Obo bodyarmour chest, but can also be used on it's own.
Obo Robo elbowprotector
Good alternitive if you want a real elbow protector instead of an intere arm protector. Good, flexible material with optimum protection for the elbow. Wear-resistant composit on the outsite.
Obo Yahoo elbow guards
A new elbowguard for the youth. Ideal for the E up to and including A teams. Good protection for the insdide of the arms. Adjustable by 3 elastic straps with velcro. Essential when you want the best protection!!
Obo Cloud body armour armguards
This Obo Cloud armguard protects more than just the elbow, it protects the whole arm. Because of the adjustable elastic straps, the protector can be used by everyone. The protector is developed to combine with the Obo bodyarmour chest, but can also be used on it's own.
Obo Robo elbowguard Lite Right
The Best of the Best! Handmade in New Zealand! The new Robo elbow protectors are in a class of their own.
Especially for goalkeepers who want elbow protection, but want optimal freedom of movement. Gives the inside of the elbow optimal protection by the 'hinged' effect of the protective plate.
No more hindrance when bending the arm.
OBO protects!
Obo Robo elbowguard Lite Left
The Best of the Best! Handmade in New Zealand! The new Robo elbow protectors are in a class of their own.
Especially for goalkeepers who want elbow protection, but want optimal freedom of movement. Gives the inside of the elbow optimal protection by the 'hinged' effect of the protective plate.
No more hindrance when bending the arm.
OBO protects!
Mercian protection sleeve
A new elbowguard for the youth. Ideal for the E up to and including A teams. Good protection for the insdide of the arms. Adjustable by 3 elastic straps with velcro. Essential when you want the best protection!!